THERMOTECH GREEN PRODUCTS LTD. is a private owned company established in the year 2011 and since then performing business in Air Conditioning (Comfort & Industrial), Co-generation Process Cooling and Chilling. Thermotech Green Products Ltd. is a successor company SAF International established in the year 1998 doing business same field.
Type Of Company: Private Limited,
- Md. Shafiur Rahman (Managing Director)
- Shamima Begum (Director)
- Shafee Saadman (Director)

Length of Business : Established in 2011
Nature of Business :
- Air Conditioning (Comfort & Industrial)
- Waste Heat Recovery
- Co-generation process cooling
- Chilling
Foreign Business partner :
- LG Electronics, Korea
- Spacco Cooling Tower Industries, Thailand.
- German-Thai Boiler Engineering Cooperation Ltd. Thailand.