Invoice & Billing Management

Create invoice for clients
All invoice list
Fare calculation system
Reissue ticket’s invoice
Print option for all invoice
Discount option during sales
Note/comment write option in invoice
Passport and visa information add option
Ticketing info like PNR, Route, Reference, issue, journey date, Pax name add system
Multiple service/package add option.

Cost calculation of Invoice

You can add all your costing of a specific invoice that you can calculate your profit or loss from a specific service. While adding costing to a invoice you can specify a vendor where from you have taken service. That cost will be hit vendor ledger automatically.

Add costing for specif service
Can select vendor for that service
Can add additional costing
Automatic costing add to vendor ledger
Vendor wise costing report
Costing add interface
Accounts interface
Petty cash system
Unlimited Bank/Financial account add system
Account to account balance transfer system
Transaction history of an account
Opening Balance add system
Financial accounts ledger with custom date.
Real time balance status of your company


Unlimited client add system with client details.
Client ledger with custom date.
Payment and service given history.
Credit note system.
Powerful client database.
Client interface
Vendor interface


Unlimited vendor add system
Vendor add system with specific service
Vendor ledger
Advance to vendor
Service taken history
Your due history to a specific vendor
Payment history to vendor
Vendor refund system.


Dynamic expense head and sub head add system
Add expense with head and sub head wise
Print option
Expense note add system
Head sub head wise report system
expense interface
Payroll interface

Mini Payroll

Dynamic employee and department add system with salary, commission, Joining, appointment, address
Commission, Mobile bill, TA, bonus, Deduction system
Payslip system.
Expense report of a specific employee


Client ledger
Vendor ledger
Profit loss
Client discount/CR Note
Sales report
Sales report service and salesman wise
Accounts report
Expenses report
Date Wise Expense Report
Head Wise Expense Report
Sub Head Wise Expense Report
Employee Expense Report
Refund Report
Staff Collection
Daily Summary
Monthly Summary

Development Tools:

Language: PHP
Database: MySQL
Framework: WordPress/ Laravel